HSI Essay Competition 2nd Place Co-Winner: Jassmin N. Tovar

This October, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) of the School of Government and Public Policy was proud to invite undergraduate students to participate in an essay competition sponsored by The Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). This essay was created as a scholarship opportunity to support UA student's education and ease financial burdens. The students were asked to express their opinions on what the University could do to better serve the Hispanic Community. Jassmin N. Tovar placed as Co-Winner of the HSI Essay Competition 2023.
Jassmin Tovar is currently a Junior studying Law and Spanish Translation and Interpretation. She is originally from Yuma, Az and hopes to attend law school to become an immigration lawyer. What initially peaked Jassmin's interest in writing this essay was her experience through the Dorrance Scholarship Program (DSP). DSP provided Jassmin with various tools and resources for her education as well as developed a different array of skills such as entrepreneurship and community service. Therefore, it is because of this program that Jassmin is inclined towards the University creating more innovative programs like these and making them accessible to the Hispanic Community. She believes that with consistent community outreach, innovation, and collaboration, students of Hispanic descent can have equal opportunities of success and financial aid. " I have always wanted to help my immigrant community towards a better future, and this essay, for helping my Hispanic peers, helped solidify my decision to involve myself more with my community", said Jassmin Tovar.
Download Jassmin's Full Essay here: