Diversity & Inclusion

School Statement of Support

The School of Government and Public Policy rejects anti-Blackness and all other forms of racism and discrimination. We also recognize that this requires continuous effort and reassessment of our own actions and activities. Persistent injustices against minoritized groups remind us of our responsibilities as scholars and educators to be inclusive and diverse, in order to advance democratic ideals. Change must occur at different levels, and each of us can play a role in our immediate environments to bring such change into effect. Toward that end, SGPP values compassion and integrity. We choose to care. We strive to act with empathy, rectitude, and justice. And we pledge to take this opportunity to re-evaluate and embrace our mission to serve the broader community. 

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The School of Government and Public Policy recognizes the richness of diversity and inclusion as critical components of intellectual and civic excellence.

We are committed to fostering welcoming, respectful environments in which our students, staff, faculty, community partners, and visitors can participate fully, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, citizenship status, size, ability, language, religion, or any other characteristic.

We recognize that the disciplines of political science and public affairs do not yet reflect the complexity of our increasingly multicultural society, and that the substance of these disciplines is subject to polarized worldviews. Accordingly, we promote open, critical, and respectful dialogue and practices. To ensure that all members of the SGPP community thrive, we condemn expressions of discrimination and hate, and support pedagogies which invite open discussion and challenge all manifestations of unconscious bias in the classroom, on campus, and in the community.

The school has established the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion to identify and coordinate activities to support our efforts to foster diverse and inclusive intellectual environments.