As a current MPA or MPP student, there are many resources available at the University of Arizona available to you. This page offers more information on UofA resources, a student handbook, and finishing the degree program.
UofA Resources
A compiled list of SGPP Student Resources has been put together with important dates and deadlines, general resources, graduate student specific resources, financial resources, health and wellness, and more.
Additional resources:
MPA/MPP Travel Stipend
The MPA/MPP Travel Stipend may cover reasonable travel costs including registration fees, airfare, and hotel. Qualifying conferences including academic and professional conferences or workshops that are held in-person or virtually. You are not required to present at a conference to qualify.
Please check D2L for additional information.
MPP Capstone Research Stipend
The MPP Capstone Research Stipend may help cover reasonable research-related costs including the purchase of, e.g., data software, participant pay for surveys, research travel, transcription services, or attendance of a conference relevant that is topically relevant to the Capstone research project.
Please check D2L for additional information.
MPA/MPP Student Handbook
A new student handbook for MPA and MPP programs has been created that details important information on our programs, including degree requirements, funding resources, and policies.
Graduation Checklist
Besides finishing up all the required coursework for the MPA and MPP programs, there are a few additional graduation checklist items to consider:
- Completing your GradPath forms
- Submitting a response to the MPA or MPP Exit Survey
- Ensuring you will receive the diploma
- RSVPing for a graduation ceremony (available only in May)
All master's students have 4 GradPath forms; the first 3 need to be completed by the student, the last form is submitted by the Graduate Programs Manager. All forms can be found in the GradPath system, located in your UAccess Student Center. To navigate to GradPath Forms, use the drop-down menu from the Advising tab and then select "GradPath Forms".
GradPath forms to complete (in order of appearance):
Every student is required to complete this form. Once this is submitted you will be able to access the Plan of Study.
- Click on 'Create New'; update your Expected Graduation Term (if necessary) and then search for your major advisor (faculty advisor). This should be the Program Director.
- Click "Get Enrollments" to populate courses you have completed to your Plan of Study. Only add the coursework that is necessary to fulfill the degree requirements. Use the "Future Coursework" button to find and add courses you plan to complete in the future.
- Example 1: The MPA program requies 8 core (24 units), 4 electives (12 units), internship (3 units), and capstone (3 units).
- Example 2: The MPP program requires 8 core (24 units), 5 electives (15 units) and capstone (3 units).
- If you have transfer coursework, you must have the GradPath Transfer Credit Evaluation form approved prior to adding that coursework to the Plan of Study. Transfer coursework must be pre-approved by the Program Director.
- Once submitted, your form will route electronically to the Graduate Programs Manager, Major Advisor, Director of Graduate Studies and the Graduate College Degree Auditor for approval.
- Upon initial approval at the Graduate College, you will be charged $35 candidacy fees. This pays for the creation and shipment of the diploma. If you are in multiple graduate degree programs, you will be charged $35 per degree.
- Click "Get Enrollments" to populate courses you have completed to your Plan of Study. Only add the coursework that is necessary to fulfill the degree requirements. Use the "Future Coursework" button to find and add courses you plan to complete in the future.
Once your Plan of Study has been approved by all reviewers, this form will become available.
Click on 'Create New' and answer "no" to the committee question (this will auto-fill the form with your major advisor's information). When you submit this form it will again be routed to your department and the Graduate College for approval.
This form will be submitted by your Graduate Programs Manager at the end of your final semester of study. In order for this form to be submitted to the Graduate College: (1) the above three forms must be complete and have an 'approved' status, (2) all final grades for the semester must be posted in UAccess, and (3) a final minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA must be recorded in UAccess.
MPA or MPA Exit Survey
As the semester comes to a close, please consider submitting a response to the MPA or MPP Exit Survey. The survey is a very important piece of each program in order to maintain proper accreditation through the University of Arizona and help us continually improve each program.
Links to these surveys will be sent via email in April (for spring/summer graduates) and November (fall graduates) of each year.
Diploma and Final Transcript Information
The diploma will be shipped to either your permanent or diploma address. Please make sure that your permanent address is correct in UAccess Student Center as this is the default address to which the diploma will be sent. If your permanent address is incorrect, you may add a 'diploma address' in UAccess or correct the permanent address in person at the Registrar's Office.
- You have a hold on your student account - this is usually caused by a past due balance.
- You do not have a permanent or diploma address in UAccess.
- Your permanent address is incorrect, therefore the diploma may have been sent to the wrong address.
After all final grades are posted in UAccess, all GradPath forms are complete and your cumulative GPA is a 3.0 or better, your degree will be awarded in UAccess by a Graduate College Degree Auditor. Please be patient during this process. The Graduate Student Academic Services (GSAS) Office is extremely busy during graduation time and will award your degree as soon as possible.
A few things to consider when it comes to diplomas and transcripts:
Diplomas are not handed out at commencement or convocation ceremonies, nor issued by the Graduate College or SGPP.
All diplomas are created by the Michael Sutter Company (located in Utah) and shipped to your permanent or diploma address about a month after degree awarding. Once your diploma is shipped, you will be notified via email (usually to your CatMail account); e-diplomas are available for download after the email notification as well.
If your diploma has not been awarded 2-3 months after the semester, it could be due to one or more of the following examples:
- Your GradPath forms are not complete, or the Plan of Study needs to be updated.
- You have grades pending in UAccess - this includes incomplete grades.
- You have the incorrect Expected Graduation Term (EGT) indicated in UAccess.
Proof of degree completion will also appear on your final transcript. Please check your unofficial transcript in UAccess before requesting a final official transcript from the Registrar's Office.
Graduation Ceremonies
All graduation ceremonies are optional to attend. Regalia must be purchased and worn at the following:
The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences ceremony is held once per year in May for all graduate programs held within their respective departments.
All expected graduates for Spring, Summer and Fall 2025, and graduates from Summer and Fall 2024 are welcome to attend. All graduates in attendance are recognized by name and hooded by a faculty advisor.
- Date: Sunday, May 18, 2025
- Time: 9am
- Location: Centennial Hall
RSVP is required to attend this ceremony. Invitations will be sent to eligible students from the College.
For questions, please contact
The University-wide commencement ceremony at Arizona Stadium is held once per year in May.
All expected graduates for Spring, Summer and Fall 2025, and graduates from Fall 2024 are welcome to attend.
- Date: Friday May 16, 2025
- Time: 7:30pm
- Location: University of Arizona Stadium
RSVP is required to attend this ceremony. Invitations will be sent to eligible students from the University.
For questions, please visit or contact
Additional information regarding ceremonies and convocations can be found at
The University of Arizona has implemented a clear bag policy for all graduation ceremonies.
Regalia and Additional Graduation Items
Regalia, diploma frames, class rings and additional graduation items can be purchased from the UA Campus Store.
- You'll need to purchase a Master's Degree cap, gown, and tassel.
- You may also try renting from the Graduate & Professional Student Council.
- When purchasing a Master's Hood: select "Masters/Public Administration"- this is for both MPA and MPP graduates.
- If you are purchasing a Graduation Stole: select "College of Social and Behavioral Sciences".