John P. (Pat) Willerton

Social Sciences 316
Research Areas
John P. (Pat) Willerton is a professor of political science whose professional interests focus on comparative politics, with attention to Russia and other FSU (Former Soviet Union) countries. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan, began his career at Michigan State University, and joined the University of Arizona in 1988. His research and teaching interests are primarily concentrated on Russian elite politics, the Russian federal executive, semi-presidentialism in Russia and France, and Russia’s relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and FSU countries. He is the author of a scholarly book and 50 articles and chapters. He regularly teaches the large lecture general education "Politics of Happiness" course, upper-division courses on Russian domestic politics, Russian foreign policy, and comparative political elites (with emphasis on Russia, France, Iran, and the U.S.). His graduate course offerings regularly include a comparative politics proseminar and an occasional advanced seminar on Russian and FSU politics.