Tucson Police Dept. Research Assistant (Paid)

Description: Paid

The Tucson Police Department is seeking a Research Assistant Intern to work in its Research and Analysis Unit. Successful applicants will have both technical skills and a motivation to serve the public. Interns will participate in the analysis of special projects focused on evaluating Departmental performance, increasing the transparency of the Department’s actions, and/or improving the organizational workflow. Career opportunities are available to high performing interns.

  • Assist with the cleaning and formatting of data for analyses
  • Prepare tables, figures, and graphs summarizing complex data trends and patterns
  • Produce literature reviews, summary reports, and research memos
  • Conduct data analysis, troubleshoot technical issues, and inform process change

Internship Available

  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Spring


In general, apply 2-3 months before the start of the semester or summer session.

Purpose of Internship

Interns can be an important part of the organization and are proven to be a valuable asset to law enforcement agencies. They help increase police responsiveness, service delivery, and information input, and they provide new program opportunities. In addition, interns can bring new skills and expertise to the job and prompt new enthusiasm. It is the policy of this police department to use qualified interns for specific tasks and duties that can create efficiencies for the department and improve services to the community.

Agency Qualifications (minimum)

  • Demonstrated coursework and/or experience with program evaluation (statistics/econometrics, qualitative analysis, survey design, etc.)
  • Familiarity with cleaning large n data sets and an understanding of data structures
  • Some proficiency in one or more of the following software packages is highly desirable: Stata, R, Python, etc…


Please apply via the provided email. Be sure to include your resume.


Tucson Police Department
Aeric Koerner: aeric.koerner@tucsonaz.gov

University of Arizona
Laureana Jones (Internship Coordinator): laureanajones@arizona.edu




Sponsor Organization
Tucson Police Dept. Research Assistant Intern