Tucson City Prosecutor’s Office

Description: Unpaid

Undergraduate interns will work directly with the team of prosecutors assigned to the Dedicated Domestic Violence Courtroom (DV Court). DV Court consists of three full time trial attorneys, one attorney who is assigned to DV cases which are accompanied by a drug offense and a supervising attorney.

Interns will assist attorneys with case preparation including reviewing police reports, body worn camera footage, 911 calls, photographs, and jail calls. Interns will create trial preparation notes for attorneys with information on where key pieces of evidence related to the charged crimes may be found on each case. Interns will meet with assigned attorney to review trial preparation notes and receive feedback and any additional assignments. Whenever possible interns will observe the trial which they assisted in preparing. This will allow interns to see how the evidence is put together to prove the required elements of the charged offense(s). Interns may then meet with the assigned attorney after the trial to ask questions of the trial attorney.

Internship Available

  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Spring


  • Summer: Apply by March 31
  • Fall: Apply by May 31
  • Spring: Apply by October 31

Purpose of Internship

Interns will obtain valuable practical experience on courtroom procedures, criminal case law, victims’ rights in Arizona, and law enforcement procedures. Interns will be given an opportunity to observe both bench trials in DV Court as well as at least one jury trial in a driving under the influence (DUI) case. Interns may also participate in a ride along with a Tucson Police Department officer, where they will accompany an officer during a shift as they respond to a variety of calls for service. Interns are encouraged to regularly meet with attorneys and to actively seek out assignments. Past experiences, inform us that this leads to the most valuable internship experience.

Additional Information

All internships are voluntary and no compensation will be provided. Interns are expected to maintain a regular schedule and to notify the attorneys if there will be a change in the schedule or a temporary modification or absence. Interns are responsible for keeping a log of their hours. Interns who will be attending a court session should be dressed in business appropriate attire (button down shirt and slacks or similar). Interns are required to review and complete the Tucson City Attorney’s Office Volunteer Agreement Form. Interns will be given a tour of the City Court building and the Tucson City Prosecutor’s Office. Interns will be invited to participate in any lunchtime attorney trainings or continuing education programs. Interns will be provided with a designated workspace. Interns will be provided with logins to a variety of programs which contain restricted information. These programs should be accessed only for the purposes of assignments as part of the City Prosecutor Internship. These logins will be disabled at the conclusion of the internship.

How to Apply

Please email a resume and cover letter to Jillian Morris (Jillian.Morris@tucsonaz.gov), Senior Assistant Prosecuting City Attorney. The City of Tucson Prosecutor's Office will advise within 2-3 weeks of applying whether you have been selected for an interview. Interns are subject to a background check.


Tucson City Prosecutor's Office
Jillian Morris (Senior Assistant Prosecuting City Attorney): Jillian.Morris@tucsonaz.gov

University of Arizona
Laureana Jones (Internship Coordinator): laureanajones@arizona.edu

